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B2B Marketing News: Trust in 2021, Top Content Marketing Goals, Twitter Alternative, Cookieless Targeting

Published on 2021/01/22 By admin

2021 Edelman Trust Barometer: Plague of mistrust follows COVID-19 After a year of unprecedented disaster and turbulence – the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis, the global outcry over systemic racism and political instability – the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals an epidemic of misinformation and widespread mistrust of societal institutions and leaders around the world. Edelman What Are B2B Marketing Leaders Measuring: Five Key Takeaways from Forrester’s SiriusDecisions 2020 Metrics Study Forrester’s study asked worldwide B2B leaders which metrics appear on their company’s top-level dashboards.

Digital Marketing News: State of Social, Super Super Bowl Ads, Scheduled Posts on Instagram

Published on 2018/02/02 By admin

The State of Social 2018 Report: Your Guide to Latest Social Media Marketing Research [New Data].

Digital Marketing News: State of Social, Super Super Bowl Ads, Scheduled Posts on Instagram

Published on 2018/02/02 By admin

The State of Social 2018 Report: Your Guide to Latest Social Media Marketing Research [New Data]. Buffer teamed up with Social Media Week to collect data from over 1,700 marketers and create a new report with insights ranging from huge opportunities with messaging apps to how successful marketers are measuring social media ROI. Buffer Blog The IAB Offers Guidance to Publishers and Marketers Considering Partnering With Influencers

Digital Marketing News: Mobile Beats Desktop, YouTube Stories, Facebook for Kids?

Published on 2017/12/08 By admin

TopRank Marketing  has partnered with Onalytica for the Women in Tech: Hot Topics and Influencers List for 2018. The list features influencers in the categories of Artificial Intelligence, FinTech, Blockchain, BigData, IoT, EdTech, MarTech, InsurTech, Virtual Reality, and Cyber Security.  Onalytica Blog Study: 80% Of Brands Plan To Boost Video Spending In 2018

Digital Marketing News: F500 Are Visual, LinkedIn on Top, Business of Color

Published on 2017/12/01 By admin

From golden arches to red bulls, color is fundamental to our recognition of familiar brands and color affects the way people react when they first encounter a company. Vistaprint worked with Dr. Sally Augustin of Design With Color to develop recommendations for the design of places, objects, and services that support desired cognitive, emotional, and physical experiences.

Digital Marketing News: Twitter Video Ads, Livestreaming Rise, RIP Eric Ward

Published on 2017/10/20 By admin

The Rise of Livestreaming: Why People Watch, and How Brands Can Benefit [Infographic] . Facebook users comment 10 times more on live videos than on regular videos

Digital Marketing News: Twitter Happening Now, Snapchat Context Cards, LinkedIn Video Ads

Published on 2017/10/13 By admin

Video Ads Are Finally Coming to LinkedIn (client) – When LinkedIn began allowing users to upload videos in August, video ads seemed like an inevitability, and they are now one step closer. LinkedIn announced today that it is running a closed beta test of video for sponsored content “with a limited number of advertisers.”   AdWeek Twitter Plans To Release A Bookmarking Tool #SaveforLater