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20 Common B2B Marketing KPI Examples to Track Performance

Published on 2024/04/10 By admin

Marketers of every stripe are feeling the pressure to prove the ROI of their efforts. In B2B marketing, this proof is even more important — and harder to quantify

Traffic’s Black Hole: What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Dark Social

Published on 2021/11/10 By admin

What do B2B marketers need to know about so-called dark social, and what are the best ways to manage and integrate unattributable site visitor traffic? Is the old adage that any traffic is good traffic still true as we knock on 2022’s digital marketing door? As we fall back for daylight saving time, let’s spring forward and take a look at these questions and more

Nine common content marketing mistakes and how to fix them

Published on 2016/05/18 By admin

Content marketing is vital to most businesses, with its success affecting many positions that complement each other. How do you ensure however that your strategy is effective

How to track clicks to offline sales from a B2B lead generation website

Published on 2016/03/31 By admin

Some products demand a very specific conversion strategy. If yours includes a process of generating leads through your website to nurture and follow up offline, then you may face an issue which has plagued marketers for years

Six tips on measurement from the IAB Programmatic Marketplace

Published on 2016/03/25 By admin

Not getting too complicated with metrics is just one important point covered in an IAB conference session all about attribution. Earlier this month, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) held its annual Programmatic Marketplace in New York and here are the six key takeaways from our favourite presentation: “Cross Device Measurement and Attribution: Accuracy, Efficiency and Impact.” 1.Know your audience According to  eMarketer , 84 percent of U.S.

11 reasons why your Facebook ad measurement is messed up

Published on 2016/02/16 By admin

A recurring theme I hear among paid social pros is the measurement discrepancy between Facebook and Google Analytics. People seem to have a really hard time matching up what’s happening with campaigns on Facebook and subsequent engagement, as measured by their analytics platform of choice (including – but not limited to – Google Analytics).

Social Media Marketing World 2015: Memorable Moments & Top Takeaways #SMMW15

Published on 2015/04/01 By admin

They say that the third time’s the charm.

How Big Brands Measure and Communicate Social Media Success

Published on 2015/03/30 By admin

L-R: Susan Beebe, Chuck Hemann, Christopher Penn and Dan Gingiss We have all struggled with what to measure to show how our social media program is performing. Additionally, how do you best communicate the results to executives, managers and other stakeholders? At the Social Media Marketing World conference, experts from Discover Financial Services, Tyson Foods and Intel Corporation reviewed tactics for showcasing their successes

How To Increase Lead Conversions With Visitor Engagement

Published on 2013/05/09 By admin

When the iPhone was first released, everyone marveled over its amazing simplicity and user experience. The world fell in love, and the mobile industry was changed overnight. Other phones, if they weren’t smartphones, were suddenly viewed as cheap and not very useful

#Facebook Fakes: Did You Lose Fans?

Published on 2012/09/27 By admin

Yesterday, Facebook confirmed that it was indeed purging fake accounts and page likes from the system. According to Josh Constine of TechCrunch, “Illegitimately created accounts are being deleted, and Likes gained from malware, compromised accounts, or deceived users are being removed.” Business pages with huge fan numbers could have seen losses of hundreds to thousands