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How to Get Better PR For Your Brand: An Interview with Mel Carson by @johnrampton

Published on 2014/09/21 By admin

As part of our SEJ interview series, I recently caught up with Mel Carson of MajesticSEO to discuss public relations — specifically how to get better PR for your brand. In the video below, Mel shares his expert advice on how startups can take advantage of PR tactics to get the word out about their brand

Interview: Mel Carson of Microsoft Advertising

Published on 2010/09/06 By admin

Spotlight on Search Interview: Mel Carson Microsoft Advertising If you attend Search Marketing industry conferences, you’ve no doubt run into the ever optimistic and charming Mel Carson from Microsoft.  When I was last in London, Mel connected me with an excellent Fish n Chips that the pubs around Trafalgar Square couldn’t get close to.  Mel is active as an advocate of Microsoft Advertising , especially via social media channels and at conferences to the Webmaster and search marketing community