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Five simple SEO practices to remember when setting up a new blog

Published on 2016/08/05 By admin

When trying to optimise a new blog for SEO , most individuals and businesses can get confused. There’s sometimes too much information, and guidance can be very technical

Nine quick fixes to improve your stagnant SEO

Published on 2016/08/01 By admin

You’re no SEO beginner . You’ve sorted your technical SEO. Your site is being crawled regularly and Google is quick to index new pages on your site

Nine quick fixes to improve your stagnant SEO

Published on 2016/08/01 By admin

You’re no SEO beginner . You’ve sorted your technical SEO. Your site is being crawled regularly and Google is quick to index new pages on your site

What are the most common on-page SEO issues and how to fix them?

Published on 2016/07/21 By admin

Appearing in the  top organic listings of Google is increasingly like pouring a gallon of milk into a shot glass. And the shot glass is already full of adverts, a bunch of maps, a broadsheet newspaper, a lengthy opinion piece about Taylor Swift and an Argos catalogue. And oh look, now you’ve got milk all over the kitchen counter, but everyone’s just ignoring it as they’re too busy looking into the shot glass because all the information they need is right there

9 Tricks For Local Businesses To Increase Their SERP Click-Through Rate

Published on 2014/06/16 By admin

Sometimes you can move the needle — and dramatically — outside of obsessing and laboring over obtaining improving rankings in search engines.

Google’s Matt Cutts: Don’t Duplicate Your Meta Descriptions

Published on 2013/11/18 By admin

Google’s Matt Cutts, the head of search spam, released a video today providing an SEO tip on meta descriptions. Matt said, do not have duplicate meta descriptions on your site. Matt said it is better to have unique meta descriptions and even no meta descriptions at all, then to show duplicate…