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Use These Tools To See What Entities Are On A Web Page

Published on 2014/06/27 By admin

Search engines leverage structured data to determine what entities are on your web page. They can also do this using other techniques such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning

Up Close @ SMX: Enhancing Results With Structured Data & Markup

Published on 2014/06/13 By admin

When you think about the job the search engines have to do it’s pretty daunting.

Schema.org: Eight Tips to Incorporate Rich Snippets to Conform to Google Hummingbird by @apoguy

Published on 2013/11/22 By admin

Google’s latest search algorithm update, known as Hummingbird, is one of the most important updates in more than a decade.

2014 SEO Roadmap: Adopting Semantic Markup

Published on 2013/11/22 By admin

In Google’s relentless pursuit of organizing the world’s information, the most exciting shift we’ve seen over the last year is about its ability to understand the “meaning” behind content (via the Knowledge Graph) and queries (via its Hummingbird algorithm update). In… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Structured Data for Dummies

Published on 2013/09/03 By admin

Most SEOs are not web developers; however, we do have to have some basic knowledge about this field for different onsite optimization aspects. There are some Html markup tags, such as Title tag or Meta description, which are so rooted in the work of SEO professionals that they’re actually referred to by some – SEO […] Author information Natalie Halimi Head of SEO Department Natalie Halimi is the head of the SEO department at Minovus LTD. Exclusive marketing consultant for Winnings.com, working in the SEO industry since 2007.

An Illustrated Guide To E-Commerce Markup Using GoodRelations

Published on 2012/10/11 By admin

In How Search & Social Engines Are Using Semantic Search, I started this series with an overview. This article will give you a walk through on generating local and organization markup for a store

Marking Up Corporate B2B Sites With Microdata

Published on 2011/11/03 By admin

WordPress Single Post Microdata Markup from Straight North’s Blog SEJ recently published a best practices article authored by me about e-commerce microdata , but what about non-ecommerce sites? Unless your agency specializes in e-commerce, most of your clients most likely will be B2B companies. Numerous elements can be marked up on B2B corporate sites to improve search engine visibility

E-Commerce Microdata Best Practices

Published on 2011/10/21 By admin

SEO for e-commerce sites is like playing on a teeter-totter with all the kids at the playground, and search engines are the fulcrum.