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IE8 No Longer Supported For Bing Ads

Published on 2014/06/06 By admin

It seems that advertisers within the Bing Ads network are no longer able to use Internet Explorer 8 to manage their ads in the Bing Ad console.

Bing Ads: New Name For Microsoft adCenter

Published on 2012/09/11 By admin

Microsoft has rebranded their search ad service from Microsoft adCenter to Bing Ads. Part of that, they are naming the Yahoo / Microsoft Search Alliance as the “Yahoo…

Microsoft adCenter Adds Ad Rotation Options

Published on 2012/08/22 By admin

Microsoft adCenter has added a new feature for ad rotation. You can now control how your ads display with an ad rotation option under settings..

adCenter Removed Age & Gender Targeting

Published on 2012/07/26 By admin

Sometime in March of this year, Microsoft removed the ability to to target your ads based off of age and gender. They quietly pulled it and there was no real formal announcement about it…

Microsoft To Power Yahoo Search Ads In UK, France and Ireland Starting Wednesday

Published on 2012/04/16 By admin

Microsoft announced the UK, France and Ireland search ad transition from Yahoo Search Ads to Microsoft adCenter ads will begin this Wednesday and should be 100% completed by the end of this month…

Delays Expected For adCenter Bing Search Ad Approvals

Published on 2012/04/09 By admin

There is a thread at the Microsoft Advertising Forum where one advertiser is complaining about his ads not being approved in the adCenter console. The issue is not his but rather a delay in the ad approval system

Bing Shopping Merchants: FTP URL Change

Published on 2012/04/03 By admin

Microsoft’s Ricky Poole announced in the Microsoft Advertising Forums that if you are using the numeric FTP address to upload your feeds for Bing Shopping, you need to update it immediately to the normal address. Ricky said the new FTP address is feeds.adcenter.microsoft…

Microsoft adCenter RAIS For Premium Advertisers Only

Published on 2012/03/20 By admin

Yahoo has offered rich ads in search (RAIS) for a while now and since Microsoft has taken over control of search ads…

Microsoft adCenter Giving "Maximum QBR Penalty" For "Disallowed Characters"

Published on 2012/02/21 By admin

A Microsoft Advertising Help thread shows that a small little thing like using disallowed characters can put a complete halt to your other ads in the adCenter network…

adCenter 2+ Month Data Bug

Published on 2012/01/19 By admin

I believe we reported this in November 2011, where advertisers using Microsoft adCenter haven’t seen updated search volume data since early November…