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Search Arbitrage Accounts For Largest Percentage Of Ads Competing On Brand Trademarks

Published on 2014/11/11 By admin

Brands are often struggling with other advertisers encroaching on their trademark terms in search ads. Sometimes brand trademarks are used by “friendly” advertisers such as resellers, but a study released today from BrandVerity shows that search arbitrage accounts for the majority of…

App Extensions Coming To Bing Ads

Published on 2014/11/07 By admin

App extensions will be available to advertisers on Bing Ads starting next spring. Timed to coincide with the removal of explicit mobile OS targeting, app extensions will be targeted automatically to a user’s OS and device. The extensions will feature an app’s icon and a call-to-action…

Bing Ads To Retire Explicit Mobile OS Targeting In March 2015

Published on 2014/11/07 By admin

To complete its path to compatibility with Google AdWords, Bing Ad has announced that explicit OS targeting will be retired in March of next year. No longer will you have the option to target ads to a specific mobile operating systems as you are now

Paid Search Roundup Q3 2014: From Performance Trends To Key Product Updates, What You Need To Know

Published on 2014/10/30 By admin

The quarterly reports and earning statements are in. Overall, all signs point to continued global growth for paid search advertising in Q3. Here’s a look at performance results and the biggest announcements and changes to come from Google AdWords and Bing Ads in the third quarter 2014.

Microsoft Execs Lay Out Strategy For Growing Bing’s Market Share: “We’re Putting Search Where People Are”

Published on 2014/10/24 By admin

At a Bing Ads Next event in Redmond, Washington yesterday, Microsoft executives outlined the roadmap ahead for Bing and Bing Ads, which powers paid search advertising on both Bing and Yahoo. In discussing the evolution of Bing and the way Micosoft is thinking about search, Rik van der Kooi,… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Bing Ads Delivers An MCC: “Accounts Summary” Now Available For Managing Multiple Accounts

Published on 2014/10/24 By admin

Bing Ads is delivering on a long-requested feature to make managing multiple accounts on the platform easier. Accounts Summary is Bing’s answer to the AdWords My Client Center (MCC). From Accounts Summary agencies and advertisers responsible for multiple Bing Ads accounts can toggle between…

Bing Ads Launches Universal Event Tracking For Goal Tracking

Published on 2014/10/23 By admin

Today, Bing Ads announced the global launch of Universal Event Tracking to allow advertisers to define and track goals specific to their businesses.

Bing Ads Tests Consumer Ratings Annotations

Published on 2014/10/17 By admin

Bing Ads is partnering with reviews service, Viewpoints, to test out displaying consumer ratings annotations in text ads. Like Google’s version, which pulls from its own survey program, the ratings annotations in the Bing ads feature grades on performance features such as customer service,..

RKG Q3: Paid Search Ad Spend Surged 26 Percent Y/Y

Published on 2014/10/16 By admin

Q3 brought more paid search growth among RKG’s clients according to the firm’s third quarter digital marketing report. Paid search ad spend on Google increased 27 percent and Bing increase ad spend rose 24 percent, for an overall growth rate of 26 percent year-over-year.  No surprise,… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Bing Ads Showing Twitter Followers In Ads

Published on 2014/10/15 By admin

Bing and Twitter have had a partnership dating back to the ancient days of 2009 and have renewed their deal to feature tweets in the search results every two years since.