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Who Is the New B2B Buyer and How Do You Connect with Them?

Published on 2022/01/11 By admin

We all know that Millennials are out-of-control college kids doing shots on Spring Break. And Gen Z are the 10-year-olds currently being raised by TikTok, right?  Hold onto your hats: The youngest Millennials are in their late-twenties

One-third of UK internet users have taken a ‘digital detox’

Published on 2016/08/23 By admin

The 2016 Communications Market Report from Ofcom has shed some fresh light on the latest behavioural trends of UK consumers and how they are connecting with traditional and digital media. As expected, this latest offering is a comprehensive digest which draws on a range of primary and secondary research looking at – among other things – our TV viewing habits, how we use our mobile phones and how we’re going online. But it is the section dedicated to digital detoxing which is generating headlines.

Learn How to Harness the Power of Millennial Employees

Published on 2015/08/18 By admin

The dynamic in today’s workforce has changed, and some employers aren’t quite sure how to handle the shift.