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YouTube SEO Questions Answered

Published on 2024/09/03 By admin

A few months ago, we posted some answers about how YouTube ranking is affected by various variables and factors – YouTube SEO questions and answers, if you will. Well, the YouTube Liaison posted a number of short video answers around the YouTube algorithm and YouTube SEO over the past week that I wanted to share.

I’m The Reason Googlers Don’t Reply With Nuance

Published on 2024/06/14 By admin

Did you know that SEO bloggers, like myself, are the reason you see fewer and less nuanced responses from Google Search reps? John Mueller from Google said so on Reddit, where he wrote, “Love the SEO news/bloggers, but it also means I can’t reply to things with nuance publicly.”

Only 10% Of SEOs Trust Google (Same As 10 Years Ago)

Published on 2024/05/31 By admin

Even after the Google search API data leak, even after it was confirmed by Google, still 10% of SEOs will continue to trust Google statements going forward. The wild thing is, this level of trust has not changed in the past decade when I ran a similar poll in 2014.

Reddit Moderators Keep Removing Google Search Liaison’s Responses

Published on 2024/04/02 By admin

Reddit moderators in the SEO channel continue to remove the responses that Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, is posting in response to some SEO and Google Search-related questions. It is somewhat comical to see this, because you’d think any forum would want an official Google representative to reply to their users questions.

Google Search Developer Docs Gain AI Generated Help Features

Published on 2024/03/27 By admin

A week ago Monday, March 18th, I noticed Google’s search developer documentation had generative AI features to help you find the answers to your question. This is in the form of an improved search, summary of the page content, a chat feature and more