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31 DIY Marketing Tools To Create Remarkable Experiences

Published on 2020/02/12 By admin

Sifting through thousands of available tools is a hit and — more often than not — a miss proposition, but we’ve got you covered with 31 do-it-yourself marketing tools that are perfect for helping you create remarkable campaign experiences . It can be overwhelming even deciding which new tools to start trying out to see if they’re helpful, so to jump-start your marketing efforts in 2020 we’ve gathered a varied selection of innovative and helpful tools that can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.

20 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Busy Digital Marketers

Published on 2016/06/06 By admin

The interconnectivity of today’s world means that digital marketers are never “off the clock”. Just because it’s a Saturday at 5pm, that doesn’t mean that there may not be a fire that needs to be put out, or a post that needs to go live. Unfortunately, it’s not realistic for marketers to be constantly tied to their laptops and wifi (especially during the summer months).

Three tips to improve your mobile marketing from Nick Wilsdon, Vodafone

Published on 2016/05/26 By admin

While marketers realise the importance of mobile, many of them have yet to catch up with consumer expectations, or realise how SEO and mobile work together . Everybody knows that it’s the year of mobile (again)

Google launches Firebase Analytics for mobile apps

Published on 2016/05/19 By admin

Google has launched Firebase Analytics, a new analytics solution for mobile apps, at this year’s I/O 2016 developer conference .  Firebase was acquired by Google in late 2014 and helps developers build apps for Androids, iOS and the Web.

Understanding the mobile customer journey

Published on 2016/05/10 By admin

This is a brief guide to the definitions, distinctions, methods and use of some oft-confused, but very useful methodologies for understanding mobile customers. Where marketing, web, design, UX and development collide there is bound to be a confusing mishmash of terminology and confusion of definitions

The key ingredients of mobile design and UX methodology

Published on 2016/04/14 By admin

Mobile projects can live or die on design. This column looks at the importance of design methodology, with a blow-by-blow account of the digital design process at the UK mapping agency, Ordinance Survey (OS)

Best practice tips for developing an enterprise mobile app

Published on 2016/04/06 By admin

Analysts are predicting strong growth in enterprise mobile apps as businesses focus on “mobilizing” their workforces to improve productivity, business efficiency and customer service. The pundits have been forecasting growth in enterprise mobile app market for some time. But surveys ( CSS Insight ) over the last year suggest real interest in business mobility driven by employees and business lines, rather than IT departments.

10 Tools To Give Your Instagram Campaign a Boost by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/11/30 By admin

Did you hear the big news? Instagram recently unveiled several new features that are making its users all giddy

Is Your Business Ready to Go Mobile? by @promodo_en

Published on 2014/10/15 By admin

Everybody talks about how important it is to care about your mobile users for any online business owner. The rush for mobile is so intense that some business owners find it hard to stop and think if a super awesome and expensive mobile app is actually in the best interest of their business

Facebook Reportedly Building A Snapchat Competitor Called ‘Slingshot’ by @mattsouthern

Published on 2014/05/19 By admin

News broke over the weekend that Facebook is working on video messaging app that will be a direct competitor to the wildly popular app Snapchat.