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Is Google’s Mobile Deadline of April 21st The New Y2K?

Published on 2015/04/16 By admin

Google wants more mobile optimized websites. What will the penalty be if yours is not

3 Questions You Must Answer to Create Mobile Landing Pages That Convert Like Crazy by @amandadurepos

Published on 2015/02/11 By admin

Creating a mobile-friendly landing page is no simple feat. For starters, you need to cram all of the essential landing page elements into half the space.

10 Best Practices for Mobile Optimized Websites by @Rocco_Zebra_Adv

Published on 2014/09/16 By admin

Smartphone users worldwide will total 1.75 billion in 2014. This means having a mobile optimized website is fundamental in maximizing your marketing budget.

5 Fantastic WordPress Plugins to Make Your Site Mobile Responsive by @hirenponkia

Published on 2014/07/23 By admin

WordPress takes center stage as one of the most manageable, accessible, and easy to use CMS solutions.

Top 25 Responsive Design Sites of 2013 by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/01/05 By admin

Image Credit: Bo-Yi Wu/Flickr If you’ve worked with a web designer lately, then you should be all caught-up on ‘responsive design’. If you’ve somehow managed to neglect all the buzz surrounding the importance of responsiveness, here’s a brief introduction. Responsive web design simply makes sure that webpages can adjust to the device in use depending […] Author information Albert Costill Just a typical guy that enjoys an ice-cold beer, pizza, sports and music.

For SEO, Mobile Experience Matters by @mecahoon

Published on 2013/10/17 By admin

Mobile SEO has historically taken a back seat to desktop SEO, but that began to change this summer when Google’s Matt Cutts spoke about the importance of mobile SEO at SMX Advanced. Google later confirmed on its Official Webmaster Central blog that it would focus on promoting websites in organic search that offer positive experiences […] Author information Melissa Cahoon Account Executive at RepEquity As one of RepEquity’s account executives, Melissa works with clients of all sizes to improve search engine results, remedy online reputation issues, develop and launch websites and conceptualize and implement email and social media campaigns. Melissa has lived and worked in DC since graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2011, where she earned a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication.