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Lessons learned from the early days of Google

Published on 2015/01/23 By admin

Earlier this month I did a talk at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about lessons learned from the early days of Google. The video is now online and watchable , or you can watch it on YouTube : We did the talk in a pretty large room, and the camera at the back of the room couldn’t easily record me and the slides at the same time

30 day challenge: record a second of video every day

Published on 2013/08/02 By admin

For June 2013, my 30 day challenge was to record a second of video every day. I was inspired by Cesar Kuriyama’s wonderful TED talk about how he records a second of video every day . There’s a couple things Cesar said in his talk that really resonated with me: – “ [A]s the days and weeks and months go by, time just seems to start blurring and blending into each other and, you know, I hated that “.

What to expect in SEO in the coming months

Published on 2013/05/13 By admin

We just recently taped a new round of webmaster videos, and I thought this video deserved a full-fledged blog post.

SEO site review session from Google I/O 2010

Published on 2010/06/04 By admin

A couple weeks or so ago, we did an SEO site review session at Google I/O 2010 . The video from that session is now live: The video is about an hour long, but I hope it’s a pretty good use of your time if you’re interested in search engine optimization. Enjoy!