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Use Google’s Image & Mobile Optimisation Guidelines For SEO Advantage

Published on 2013/07/17 By admin

Avoid impacting your SEO traffic while implementing Google’s mobile optimisation guidelines by following this simple guide to mobile & image search optimisation build structure. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Monetizing Site Search Queries

Published on 2013/06/04 By admin

I believe that once everyone starts thinking clearly again after the last round of Penguin updates — focusing on their business rather than on ways to game the system or mass produce activities that are not scalable — we can get down to action that can actually move the needle. One such… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Is Multinational SEO Dead? No, But It’s Changing…

Published on 2013/04/30 By admin

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the term “SEO” and what it really means today. After a record run of attending conferences ranging from San Jose, Toronto, London and Leeds (soon to be joined by Seattle and Riga), I’ve become very conscious of a cloud of what can only… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Using the X-Default Hreflang Tag For Multinational SEO: Default Language Opportunities

Published on 2013/04/18 By admin

Google & Yandex announced the new x-default hreflang tag earlier this month, and in doing so closed the final gap in executing ‘perfect’ SEO platforms for multinational brands. There is, however, the question of what language content to use as your default, and how you can bring a little… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

The Dangers Of Brainstorming Your International Content Marketing Strategy

Published on 2013/04/02 By admin

Brainstormings are wonderful things, and we creative types really love them! But, the writing is on the wall for brainstormings in international content marketing! We know that content is the new marketing driver which many are talking about.

How To Estimate The Traffic Opportunity For Multinational Campaigns

Published on 2013/03/26 By admin

Recently, I was asked to run an estimate of traffic opportunity for a multinational sports franchise in which I modeled their current global traffic against brand visibility growth opportunities. However, I also identified that to make the estimate relevant, I needed to quantify the traffic more..

3 Major Tablet & Smartphone Search Opportunities For Multinational Websites

Published on 2013/02/26 By admin

Looking back at 2012 statistics for smartphone usage & tablet sales figures paints a picture of significant multinational SEO opportunity in 2013. Here are three key SEO opportunities for 2013 and how to take advantage of them. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

15 Tips To Launch A Successful Multilingual PPC Campaign

Published on 2013/02/19 By admin

Unfortunately for those of us who work in the international space, launching a global PPC campaign is much less successful than doing so domestically? Why is this and what’s to be done

Is Your Local Pricing Strategy Blocking Search Engine Spiders?

Published on 2013/02/12 By admin

eMarketer’s recent report on Global e-commerce growth showed online sales globally exceeded $1 trillion in 2012. They further indicate that global e-commerce will grow by an additional 19% in 2013, with the Asia-Pacific region surpassing North America in online sales. This reemphasizes the…

What The Closure Of UK Malls & Main Street Retailers Means For Online

Published on 2013/01/29 By admin

The UK has seen the closure of three high-profile, traditional retail brands in the last fortnight, following on from a dismal 2012 and an increased downturn for the sector since 2009.