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Washington Post shares SEO and web performance guidelines

Published on 2023/07/20 By admin

The Washington Post has published a document outlining its internal SEO and web performance best practices that anybody in news SEO will want to read. The document, Web Performance and SEO Best Practices and Guidelines, outlines what it calls “proven strategies and guidelines for optimizing web performance and search engine optimization (SEO).” SEO and web performance best practices. The Post’s document breaks down all of its guidelines into what is essentially a checklist, broken into four buckets: on-page SEO, content optimization, technical SEO and off-page SEO.

News content could vanish from Meta in Canada

Published on 2023/05/09 By admin

Meta is threatening to remove news content from Facebook and Instagram in Canada if proposed legislation meant

Google no longer recommends canonical tags for syndicated content

Published on 2023/05/03 By admin

Google now says the canonical link element is not recommended for syndicated content; instead, block the syndicated content from being accessed to avoid duplication. Google posted this new piece of information in this help document over here . What’s new.

How to master Google News optimization to boost content visibility and traffic

Published on 2023/03/30 By admin

Let’s set the record straight. Google News optimization is not only for news sites.