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Digital Advertising Tips: 5 Scenarios Perfect for Pay-to-Play Tactics

Published on 2017/07/19 By admin

In today’s competitive and content-saturated digital landscape, it’s no secret that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to connect, engage and inspire action from our audiences using only “free” or organic marketing tactics. As a result, digital advertising , often dubbed “pay-to-play” by marketers, is steadily on the rise. In fact, last fall, eMarketer forecasted that digital advertising spend would surpass TV ad spending for the first time in history by the end of 2016

Master LinkedIn’s New Lead Generation Forms in 10 Easy Steps

Published on 2017/05/29 By admin

[Editor’s Note: This is the first post from one of the newer members of our team, Emily Hinderaker. Emily joined TopRank Marketing earlier this year as a Marketing Copywriter.] The one item that marketers crave above everything else is information about their prospects. Often, there is even a dollar amount assigned to gaining access to a name, email or phone number.

Online Marketing News: Facebook Livestream Ads, Native Video on LinkedIn, & Ad-Blocking Myths Busted

Published on 2016/08/05 By admin

The smart and talented Tiffani Allen will return for next week’s roundup. While we wait, let’s dive into what’s been happening in the news this week. The Future of Social Video: A Brief Look into What’s Next [Infographic] Video.

Find Success By Putting Your Digital Advertising to the A/B Test

Published on 2016/07/27 By admin

Testing different variations is one of the quickest ways to learn, and Digital Advertising is no exception. When you begin talking about A/B testing, many of us get nervous and all sorts of possible catastrophes begin swimming around in our heads. But the truth is, advertising is a quickly evolving tactic, and in order to gain momentum, testing has become a necessity.

New Short Story: How GREAT Marketers Win at Digital Advertising

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

How can you help your brand knock out the competition and win customers’ attention? Sometimes great content and a solid content marketing strategy aren’t enough to achieve the results you hoped and planned for. Despite all your training and drilling on tactics, you enter the ring and end up hitting the mat face-first

PPC + SEO = A Winning Team for Search Marketing Success

Published on 2016/07/11 By admin

A winning team requires the proper line-up, teamwork and the ability to fill-in the performance gaps. A winning team for search requires the proper line-up of Paid and Organic strategies to ensure increased visibility and growth

Learn How to Take Your Digital Advertising Strategy Mobile

Published on 2016/07/07 By admin

How many times a day do you pick up your smartphone? If you’re the average iPhone user, Apple says you slide to unlock around 80 times in a 24-hour period

6 Things Brands & Publishers Need to Know About Native Advertising

Published on 2016/06/29 By admin

As brands look to create deeper connections with their audience and publishers search for new ways to generate revenue, native advertising as re-emerged as a tactic that both can take advantage of. For those who aren’t familiar, native advertising, also referred to as sponsored content or advertorials, has taken on many forms over the years—from advertorials in newspapers in the 1940s to infomercials and paid programming spots on television. Today, native advertising is a content marketing tactic that typically involves publishing informational and educational articles and videos (with an underlying advertising message) in print or digital publications and blogs.

Do Visuals Really Have an Impact on Online Advertising Success?

Published on 2016/05/04 By admin

Humans are visual creatures by nature. In fact, research shows that 90% of the information that comes to our brains is visual.

3 Ways Digital Advertising Gives Tactical Support to Your Content Marketing Mission

Published on 2016/02/29 By admin

In today’s digital, content-saturated world, it’s no secret that we marketers are all battling to connect, engage and inspire action from our respective audiences. As a result, having an integrated content marketing strategy is of paramount importance. As a matter of fact, 80% of B2B marketers have some sort of content marketing strategy in place, according to the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs .