When was the last time a B2B case study made you feel something? I mean, something besides mild interest or boredom. I ask because, in theory at least, B2B case studies should be exciting stories. There are millions of dollars at stake, people’s livelihoods and professional reputations hanging in the balance. Each one is a three-act story arc of overcoming adversity and solving a problem. That sounds like a riveting read, right
Google’s official slogan is “Don’t Be Evil”, but it’s long been rumoured that the company has a second, internal motto that they tend to keep under wraps: “You’re either fast, or you’re f***ed.” We’ve written about site-speed in the past, and there’s no doubt of its importance (if there is, stick around for the stats section of this post) but for content marketers, improving the speed of your website is often seen as a particularly arduous technical exercise that’s completely out of your control. Only a back-end full-stack engineer can speed things up significantly, right? As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth
What follows is a list of resources that can be applied specifically to landing page optimization, originally repurposed from ConversionXL and other great websites around the web. We’ve organized everything to best simulate a visitor’s experience on a landing page from first click to final conversion
There have been quite a few new tools and features launched in Google AdWords (my former employer) over the past couple of months that may not have gotten the attention they deserve amidst the much more hotly debated launch of Enhanced Campaigns.
So, you want to learn what all those techie-types are referring to when they talk about link building, anchor text, title tags, and on-site optimization?
As an active observer and participant in the digital marketing world, I see a spectrum of attitudes and perspectives towards attracting and engaging customers online.
While I’ve been to Belgium the past week for the fine Fusion Marketing Experience , I decided to take a day trip to Paris yesterday since it was only 2 hours away by train. As you may know, I do a bit of traveling
There have been many articles written about paid search optimization, but there is one piece of the optimization puzzle that continually gets left out. The hidden lever in paid search optimization is prioritization. Prioritizing optimization opportunities is equally as important as doing the..
A vitally important first step to the attribution management process is to gather all the data associated with the “touches” that have been experienced by your target audience both as a result of being exposed to all your marketing efforts and direct traffic. Each “touchpoint” associated with each… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
As SES Chicago reaches its final sessions the audience is still alert and ready to learn at TopRank CEO Lee Odden ’s afternoon presentation on “Content Marketing & Optimization.” According to Google’s Eric Schmidt, every 2 days we create as much information as we did from the dawn of time to the year 2003. With so much information being shared what can we do as marketers to make our content easy to spot and easy to consume? Can Customers Find Your Content? Content creation is so much more than marketing, it is a way of engaging and enticing potential customers to take action. Optimized content can make sure that customers interact with your brand. There are many types of content that companies publish and many different audiences that a company should interact with. Content creation is one of the most effective form of online marketing, it also happens to be the most difficult