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How to maximise PR outreach for site visibility in organic search

Published on 2016/08/19 By admin

How can you earn those coveted links and mentions in news and media sites that generate an incredible influx in domain authority ?

Ecommerce blogging: five proven reasons why it should be part of your SEO strategy

Published on 2016/08/17 By admin

Should ecommerce businesses blog ? That’s a question many ecommerce business owners find confusing; it’s easy to visualize the benefit a small business with a few products can get by blogging, but when you run an ecommerce store with hundreds or thousands of products, is there still any benefit to blogging

14 influencer marketing essentials for SEO success

Published on 2016/07/11 By admin

Influencers provide great traction with their fan base and there’s a lot of valuable SEO for brands on offer, however this is often not realised.

Nine considerations for movie-based SEO outreach campaigns

Published on 2016/07/06 By admin

Alien invasions have had their costs calculated by finance companies.

12 Ways Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Journalists by @jboitnott

Published on 2015/03/26 By admin

Marketers and journalists have a long and not-always happy history. Still, their relationship must be developed in order to be successful at their work. The post 12 Ways Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Journalists by @jboitnott appeared first on Search Engine Journal

5 Elements to an Effective Email Link Pitch by @linkbuildingjon

Published on 2014/08/29 By admin

Building real links that make sense requires human interaction. I am a firm believer that websites don’t link to other websites, rather people link to other people. Worthwhile links are those placed as an editorial vote by a human being, not automatically generated by a robot.

How To Promote An E-Book Launch With A Be Everywhere Day

Published on 2014/06/20 By admin

It’s no secret e-book launches are usually boring, and oftentimes dreadfully so. This is because, well, it’s hard to be creative with yet another PDF launch — especially if you’re in a saturated market

Are Influencer Groups Set to Dominate Marketing? by @brianzengdotme

Published on 2014/03/28 By admin

It’s no secret that the modern consumer enters the digital and purchasing realm blind to ads and self-promotional companies.

Improving Your Outreach – Lessons from the Travel Niche by @matthewbarby

Published on 2013/11/18 By admin

Outreach is definitely the buzzword of the year. Whether it’s used for acquiring guest post opportunities, mentions on social media, or product reviews and feedback, having a successful process for connecting to others is essential. At the start of this year I took a little time out to do some traveling around South East Asia.

7 Real Life Ways to Build Links

Published on 2013/08/06 By admin

The majority of the time when we’re discussing link building, we focus on things like outreach, content strategy, tools and, in general, ways we can acquire links online. Which makes perfect sense since links are… well, online. But what about the offline, or “in real life”…