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Five Days Later, It Looks Like Google Has Penalized Web Design Library For Selling Links

Published on 2014/03/25 By admin

We all saw this one coming: Web Design Library, the website that was using Twitter to renew paid links last week, appears to have earned a Google penalty. While I was researching last week’s article, I saw the site ranking at No. 8 for the term web design

Selling Links To A Big Brand? Here’s Why You Don’t Tweet About It

Published on 2014/03/20 By admin

Here’s a lesson in how not to sell links.

“Text Link Ads” Was Latest Hit By Google’s Actions Against Link Sellers

Published on 2013/06/03 By admin

On May 15th, we reported that Google targeted yet another link selling network that resulted in several thousand penalties.

Video: Google’s Matt Cutts On Advertorials & Webmaster Guidelines

Published on 2013/05/29 By admin

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, posted a new video today on YouTube clarifying Google’s stance on Advertorials and “native advertising.” Advertorials are editorial-like content that is published because an advertiser has paid the publication to publish the story or… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Zaps Another Link Network, ‘Several Thousand’ Link Sellers Hit

Published on 2013/05/15 By admin

What a week it’s been where Google and SEO is concerned. The company, via Matt Cutts, has issued several warnings about things to come — and, late Tuesday night, also revealed that it’s just acted against another link network. In a pair of tweets, Cutts — the head of…

Link Seller Linking To You? Google Says You Won’t Benefit From It.

Published on 2013/04/03 By admin

Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, posted a 90-second video on what happens if a site that is selling links also links to your site. In short, Matt Cutts explains that when sites that sell links (with Google knowing about it) link to you, Google won’t pass value from that link..

Will Google Penalize Chromebooks, Google Analytics, AdWords & Google+ For Using Advertorials?

Published on 2013/02/24 By admin

A day after warning publishers against advertorials, will Google’s search team now have to penalize parts of its own company for running its advertorials?

Infographic: When Link Building Turns Into A Linkpocalypse

Published on 2013/02/04 By admin

If you want to succeed with gaining search traffic through SEO, building links is one of the most important ranking factors that can help you. But go too far, and the search police might crack down on you.

Automatic Algorithms Are Fundamentally Changing The Shape of SEO

Published on 2011/04/19 By admin

If search engines — such as Yandex in Russia — are generating their search query algorithms automatically using “machine learning,” does that mean we need a re-think of SEO practices? What is “machine learning” in this context and how does it work? Yandex may be a “regional” search engine, but…

Paid Links V Content Programs

Published on 2011/01/27 By admin

It all about feeding the Beast! If there’s one topic that is as alive today as it was in year past, it’s paid links. Are paid links bad ?