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On MetaFilter Being Penalized By Google: An Explainer

Published on 2014/05/22 By admin

MetaFilter is a news and discussion site dating back to the early years of the web. Founded in 1999, it’s attracting attention this week after coming forward about how a Google penalty has severely harmed its business, to the degree of having to let staff go. It serves as a poster child of..

How A Single Guest Post May Have Gotten An Entire Site Penalized By Google

Published on 2014/03/26 By admin

Google made it clear earlier this year that those doing guest posts “for SEO purposes” might be subject to penalties.

3 Steps to Take When You Suspect an Algorithmic Penalty From Google by @jaysondemers

Published on 2014/01/29 By admin

The dreaded Google penalty.

Penalized & Sad: When To Abandon The Sinking SEO Ship

Published on 2013/08/23 By admin

Sometimes the captain can’t afford to go down with the ship, no matter the temptation or emotional investment. Every few weeks, I receive another hopeless phone call from another desperate webmaster. Since Penguin, I’ve seen more ships go down than I care to count

“Text Link Ads” Was Latest Hit By Google’s Actions Against Link Sellers

Published on 2013/06/03 By admin

On May 15th, we reported that Google targeted yet another link selling network that resulted in several thousand penalties.

Q&A With Google’s Matt Cutts On What To Do If You Get A Manual Penalty

Published on 2013/04/26 By admin

What to do if Google sends you a penalty notice and you can’t figure out exactly what it’s for? Turn to Google’s webmaster help forum, says the head of Google’s web spam team, Matt Cutts

Google Hits Mozilla With Spam Penalty Over User Generated Content

Published on 2013/04/23 By admin

Have user generated content on your site? Pay attention to what those users are doing. That’s the takeaway from Google hitting Mozilla with a spam penalty this week, along with another takeaway

Google Dishes Out PageRank Penalties To UK Newspaper Web Sites For Selling Links

Published on 2013/02/22 By admin

Google has downgraded the Toolbar PageRank scores for several dozen UK operated newspapers and news sites today.