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Google Is Not Broken

Published on 2014/02/03 By admin

In spite of what many think, Google is not broken. But wait, naysayers will say, Look at this search result, it stinks! This spammer is succeeding in ranking high, they emerged from nowhere and are now in the top three results! It’s true — there are many such examples that you can point… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Big Brand SEO & Penguin 2.0

Published on 2013/06/03 By admin

Taking a broader look at Multinational SEO, though, throws up particular issues for the big brand sites out there, and I though that in light of the upcoming Penguin 2.0 update confirmed by Matt Cutts recently it would be useful to look at particular areas of concern for big site SEO and how to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Hot & Cold Trends In Search Going Into 2013

Published on 2012/12/13 By admin

The end of the year in any industry marks a good opportunity to look back on the year and reflect on changes. This is particularly true in the SEO industry, given the volume and intensity of changes that have occurred in 2012 — from algorithmic changes to how SEO is perceived in the organization to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.