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How to use purchase intent for more effective keyword search

Published on 2016/07/12 By admin

If you think the lowly keyword is dead , think again. Good research can help a business position itself with the the right content to engage the audience at different points of the consumer purchase journey. Have you experienced one or more of these problems with your SEO and PPC ads ?

How are beacons going to affect search marketing?

Published on 2016/06/30 By admin

Recently I’ve been reading a lot about the effects beacons and proximity marketing may have on search strategy.

When will responsive websites respond to user context?

Published on 2016/06/27 By admin

Terms like “ mobile first ” and “ responsive web design ” sound dynamic and user-centric, but the reality is most mobile-first responsive websites are simply reformatting ubiquitous content to suit different devices. Goal of web (or app) advertising: right message, right person, right place, right time.

Five ways to improve the retail customer journey online and in store

Published on 2016/06/16 By admin

The Digital High Street 2020 Report calculates that more than £150bn of retail sales are now influenced by digital. The report further suggests that retailers whose services don’t meet customers’ expectations could lose more than £12bn a year. The Digital High Street Advisory Board announced in March 2015 a five-year strategy that sets out ambitions to connect town centres to mobile, broadband and wi-fi, while also improving digital skills, by 2020