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Content Marketing Trifecta: How to Repurpose, Reuse & Refresh Content – Intel’s @PamDidner at #C2C14

Published on 2014/05/07 By admin

We all know the importance of creating original content, but the reality is, it’s hard.

How Personas Guide Meaningful Content Creation & Optimization

Published on 2013/06/06 By admin

As marketers accumulate information about customers, it is also important to identify common characteristics and patterns to help guide messaging, engagement and offers. Behaviors that contribute to your business objectives like, sales, advocacy, sharing, referrals and repeat business might contribute to your understanding of an “ideal” customers that can be characterized as a persona: Admin Bob – Influences the CEO on software purchases and cares about price, service and speed. Being able to identify your “best” customers also means there’s another end to the spectrum:  patterns that reflect undesirable customer behaviors and an “avoid” persona: Gatekeeper Jane – Maintains power by filtering information to the CEO about software purchases.

Social Stereotypes: You Are What You Share

Published on 2012/11/23 By admin

Remember the good ol’ days of high school where there were particular “groups” of people? In my school, the majority of people were either jocks, nerds, preppies or freaks (stoners).

Advanced Landing Page Techniques: Searcher Personas

Published on 2012/05/02 By admin

There are a million rules for search landing page design. You have to optimize the content and decide whether more stuff is better or worse for conversion.

User-Centered Or Usage-Centered Design: Which Is Better For SEO?

Published on 2011/11/25 By admin

When creating a search-engine friendly website, do you follow the principles of user-centered design, usage-centered design, or both? Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Eyetracking & SEO: Fad, Fact, Or Fiction?

Published on 2011/10/28 By admin

Do SEO professionals use eyetracking usability studies as a link-juice fad? Can eyetracking tests yield useful information about Web searchers?

Building Empathy For Googlebot

Published on 2011/03/09 By admin

With one persona, copywriters and designers will gain a better understanding of Googlebot and do a better job of creating a site that will appeal to him. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

More SEO Myths About Website Usability

Published on 2010/10/22 By admin

When you optimize your website for search engine visibility, who are you targeting? The statistically average web searcher?