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PPC Academy Final Exam: Test Your Paid Search Knowledge

Published on 2010/12/23 By admin

Here we are. I hope your time here at PPC Academy was productive and you learned a lot because it’s now time for your final exam. Were you paying attention

A PPC Marketer’s Code Of Conduct

Published on 2010/12/09 By admin

This week, instead of discussing specific paid search tactics, I’d like to take a broader look at how you can become a better professional search engine marketer. In short, there are some ethical ways to conduct yourself as a paid search pro that you should embrace

A Display Ad FAQ For Paid Search Marketers

Published on 2010/12/02 By admin

Last week, in An SEO FAQ For Paid Search Marketers, we went a bit out of bounds for this column, which is a one-year course for learning PPC.

An SEO FAQ For Paid Search Marketers

Published on 2010/11/18 By admin

Earlier in January in this column’s introductory post, Welcome To PPC Academy, A One-Year Paid Search Course, I said that this would be a column strictly about PPC. Well, if you’ve been reading this year, you know that I lied.

Optimize Your Site Lists On The Google Display Network

Published on 2010/11/04 By admin

For the past month, this column has focused on the non-search triggered ad inventory available to you from search engines. Google AdWords offers two such products: content targeting (appearing on sites relevant to keywords you specify) and placement targeting (choose sites and placements for your ads to appear). The arena of these ads is the *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

Step-By-Step: Choosing AdWords Placements

Published on 2010/10/28 By admin

Continuing from last week’s introduction to placement targeting post, today we’ll discuss how you can set up one of these campaigns for your own account. Campaign Set Up Follow my Step-By-Step: Create An AdWords Content Campaign post from a few weeks ago to create campaigns, ad groups and ads

An Introduction To Google’s Placement Targeting

Published on 2010/10/21 By admin

This column has primarily focused on paid search, but for the last few weeks, we’ve discussed contextual targeting using the engines. Today we’re going to dive into another non-search triggered product that Google offers, display targeting.

An Introduction To Content Targeting

Published on 2010/10/07 By admin

We’ve spent virtually this entire year on buying paid search through the engines and now it’s time to dive into some of the other products that they offer for marketers. As a search marketer, you’ll be able to tap into some very powerful tools and ad inventory sources that can help supplement and compliment *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

PPC Testing Part 4: Google’s AdWords Campaign Experiments Tool

Published on 2010/09/30 By admin

For those of you just getting into paid search, count yourselves lucky. You’re lucky not only to have landed in one of the hottest fields in marketing, but also lucky not to have gone though some of the major workflow frustrations that have now been addressed and fixed in the first ten years of *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

PPC Testing Part 2: Optimization Cheat Sheet

Published on 2010/09/16 By admin

If you’ve been reading this column this year, you know that I have repeatedly pushed you to regard your campaigns as being in a continuous testing environment. Frankly, if you just load up some keywords and put down your credit card there’s a good chance you might just waste your money. Successful paid *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***