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AdWords Enhanced Campaigns: New Bidding Tools Announced

Published on 2013/02/21 By admin

Google AdWords has begun providing more specifics about the new bidding tools and mobile bid settings for enhanced campaigns. The AdWords interface for enhanced campaigns includes a new bid adjustment calculator designed to show you what the final bid adjustment will be when using multiple bid… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Forrester Report: The Best PPC Bid Management Providers

Published on 2012/11/20 By admin

Forrester, the large marketing technology analysis organization, has released the final of its quarterly Forrester Wave reports related to search marketing. The first, Forrester Rates The Top Large Search Marketing Agencies, offered an assessment of large, full service (meaning agencies that offer… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Use the AdWords Dashboard

Published on 2011/03/28 By admin

This post is focused around outlining some of the free tools and features that Google AdWords offers but people often don’t make full use of because they forget or don’t know they are available. In the past many AdWords campaigns were monitored from within Bid Management platforms or from within Google Analytics but the new AdWords home tab is seeking to change all that

Google AdWords Automated Simplicity

Published on 2011/03/03 By admin

It has been long rumoured that Google was working its own bid management platform. It now appears that it is slowly being added to Adwords accounts as part of a bigger roll out