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4 Predictions for Call Tracking in 2014 by @LogMyCalls

Published on 2013/12/30 By admin

Call tracking is a nearly $1B industry. Call tracking is used primarily by online marketers to track which ads, campaigns, and keywords are generating phone calls. Most users are advertisers, agencies, and publishers that want to know where to spend valuable marketing budget dollars.

Are SEMs & Paid Search Marketers Becoming A Commodity?

Published on 2013/07/01 By admin

The amount you make at your job is heavily dependent on two factors: value and scarcity. By value, I mean how much you are contributing (usually financially, but not always) to a company

Predictions For Local Search In 2012 – Year Of The Dragon

Published on 2012/01/02 By admin

The last few years in local search have seen some unprecedented changes in online local business marketing, and you might think that the evolution would be ready to slow down. However, I don’t believe that’s going to happen yet, so enter 2012 – Year of the Dragon! For the purpose…

Future Trends: 2012 Online Marketing & Technology Predictions

Published on 2011/12/26 By admin

What does 2012 hold in store for online marketing? The acceleration of innovation in online technologies and the ways we can discover, consume and engage with information can be a challenge to keep up with. But as digital marketers that are more than shiny object opportunists, seeing future trends is exactly what we need to do in order to anticipate our place in the digital universe.