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20 Plus Tips on How to Optimize Your Presentations & Public Speaking

Published on 2013/06/12 By admin

What does it mean to “optimize” your presentations? Keywords in your speech

Warning: Do Not Read This If You Want to Give Awesome Presentations

Published on 2013/04/16 By admin

Danger! Don’t Optimize Presentations to Suck. Image via Shutterstock Over the past 5 years I’ve given a few hundred presentations in front of crowds from 10 to 1,000

Content Marketing & Optimization – 6 Ways

Published on 2013/04/02 By admin

When there’s a good story to tell, it doesn’t matter what else is going on. You have to tell it. That’s where I’m at with the intersection of search, social and content marketing

No April Fool’s – Raising the Bar on Content Marketing Should Be Your Imperative in 2013

Published on 2013/04/01 By admin

April 1st is prime time for jokes from brands seeking to capitalize on the holiday. One trend that is no joke involves the importance of content in the digital marketing mix. According to a study from Econsultancy and Adobe , content ties as the number one digital marketing priority along with conversion rate optimization for 2013.

Holistic Optimization Across the Sales Cycle: Optimize Speaking Events May & June

Published on 2012/05/10 By admin

When you have a business that relies on attracting new business online the sheer volume of options can be confusing. Should offline advertising efforts transfer to online? Maybe email marketing