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Google to roll out updates and new formats for mobile shopping and travel planning

Published on 2016/07/13 By admin

Mobile will play its biggest role ever in 2016 and as Google reveals: mobile travel and shopping searches are already up nearly 30% year-over-year. To help with this rise in demand, Google announced yesterday in a blog-post possibly timed to steal some Prime Day thunder, that it will soon begin rolling out new mobile-centric features for PLAs, holiday booking filters, its YouTube’s TrueView shopping feature and a new Showcase Shopping ad format. That’s a lot of new info to wade through, but it’s all designed to help prepare marketers and mobile users for the October – December holiday season, which you’re all thinking about now right

How paid and organic SEO results overlap in 2016

Published on 2016/07/05 By admin

This year marks the seventh year that I’ve written an article on the overlap of paid and organic search. For many of those years, the landscape was largely unchanged and it was simply a review of how well brands aligned their paid and organic efforts

How one small word makes a huge difference on Google SERPs

Published on 2016/05/17 By admin

Recently we’ve had a lot of internal discussions about the importance of keywords and the various combinations, including match type. This discussion revealed a few interesting nuances that I thought were worth sharing.

Three recent changes to Google Shopping you need to be aware of

Published on 2016/03/23 By admin

If you haven’t noticed by now, Google Shopping is taking center-stage for retailers as we move deeper into 2016 – with more traffic, more tests and more features. You certainly wouldn’t have missed  Google removing text ads on the right-hand rail of their search engine results pages, leaving the space wide-open for even more product listing ads (PLAs). With this update, it’s important to understand the changes taking place made to accommodate for an increased amount of advertisers spending on Google Shopping Campaigns.

Your Google Shopping Campaign Strategy: Targeting Brand vs. Non-Brand Terms by @bethany_bey

Published on 2015/01/15 By admin

More and more advertisers are shifting budgets towards Google Shopping campaigns due to PLAs’ lower CPC and higher conversion rates.

How to Win The Battle on Google’s Product Listing Ads Field by @FernandoSEMrush

Published on 2014/12/01 By admin

There’s a battle going on right now and no online store is spared from it. The prize is high: Clicks and conversions and competition fierce. The battleground: Google’s real estate.

6 Costly Mistakes to Avoid With Shopping Campaigns

Published on 2014/08/20 By admin

Have you transitioned your Product Listing Ads to Google’s new campaign type, Shopping campaigns, yet? If not, what are you waiting for

3 Opportunities With Those New Google Shopping Campaigns

Published on 2014/06/27 By admin

For those who are not necessarily familiar with Google Shopping campaigns — let’s clarify things straight away. Product listing ads (PLAs) are remaining the same as an ad format for end users, whether search marketers are using “old PLAs” or new Shopping campaigns.

Use Products As Pawns To Win The Local SEO Chess Game

Published on 2014/05/19 By admin

In the competition to rank highest in local search results, you must employ a number of tactics in coordination.

DoubleClick Search Adds Integration With Channel Intelligence For Product Feed Management

Published on 2014/02/24 By admin

Google announced Monday that Channel Intelligence’s feed management and optimization capabilities will integrate with the DoubleClick Search Commerce Suite. Performics is piloting the integration for “a major retail client”. “We’re really excited to team with Channel…