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The Myth of Recession-Proof B2B Marketing & 3 Things To Do Instead

Published on 2023/02/01 By admin

Is recession-proof marketing genuinely possible in the uncertain headwinds of 2023, and — if not — what can B2B marketers do instead to best weather the storm? Recession-proof B2B marketing may sound reassuring, however blindly buying into it could at the very least cause unwanted surprises, and at the worst end up proving disastrous. Thankfully, there are marketing tactics that persevere better than others during uncertainty, however none will be quite the digital panacea that some have been recently touting.

B2B Brands Take a Stand: 5 Examples of Going Beyond Words to Action

Published on 2020/06/10 By admin

It’s never been more important for brands to show purpose and to be connected to what’s important to customers. As our CEO Lee Odden recently observed in Marketers: We Can Do Better Than Words with Action , “We can all agree that there has to be a change and that we can all play a part in some way, large or small,” a call to action that is being taken to heart by individuals and brands alike.

Evolve or Die: The Role of Purpose & Authenticity in Marketing

Published on 2017/03/07 By admin

In a world where the average U.S. consumer is confronted with 64GB of data per day, I think it’s safe to say that marketing requires a very different approach. Marketers all over the world are searching hard for silver bullets and ways to differentiate