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Images: three optimisation tips to help speed up your site

Published on 2016/07/22 By admin

People like fast websites and so does Google. In fact, your website’s speed is a ranking factor in Google search engine results.

How a dedicated IP address and SSL certificate affects your search engine rankings

Published on 2016/07/13 By admin

To get better search engine rankings or land on the first page results on Google in 2016, site speed and HTTPS were listed among the ranking factors.

HTTPS websites account for 30% of all Google search results

Published on 2016/07/07 By admin

As of late June, 32.5% of page one Google results now use the HTTPS protocol, according to a new study from Moz. The esteemed Dr Pete published a blog post this week on the data they’ve been tracking in the two year period since Google announced HTTPS was to be a light ranking signal in August 2014

Which kinds of links are most valuable for high rankings?

Published on 2016/06/29 By admin

What does link-building look like right now? What tactics work? Is it all about quality content or do more shady tactics still get results?  Glen Allsop of ViperChill posted another excellent article recently, distilling the findings from his own manual analysis of 1,000 search results

Does Google look at anchor text in internal links?

Published on 2016/05/31 By admin

Internal linking is a key SEO tactic, one which allows websites to send clear signals to Google on the relative importance of various pages. It also works from a user experience perspective, helping visitors find pages that are relevant or potentially useful to them. It’s something I place great importance on as an editor, as it’s one part of SEO that I can control, and I’ve seen the benefits for sites I’ve worked on.

Why you NEED to raise organic CTR’s (and how to do it)

Published on 2016/05/12 By admin

Does organic click-through rate (CTR) data impact page rankings on Google?

2016 state of link building survey: five important takeaways

Published on 2016/04/06 By admin

Links are still one of the most important ranking factors in Google search. This was confirmed as recently as March, when Andrey Lipattsev , a Senior Quality Senior Strategist at Google, revealed links, content, and RankBrain as the top three most important ranking factors . This wasn’t surprising information (at least to SEOs), but it was an important confirmation.

The Link Shrink Is In: 3 Crazy Linking Assumptions

Published on 2013/01/29 By admin

Building on last month’s column, Five Linking Myths That Need To Go Away In 2013, one of the best and worst things about the Web is the never-ending supply of absolutely horrifying bad information that must be clarified.