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Ray Kurzweil’s Job At Google: Beat IBM’s Watson At Natural Language Search

Published on 2014/02/25 By admin

If Ray Kurzweil is right, computers will be smarter than humans 15 years from now. It’s called “technological singularity” and a big part of his job at Google is making sure that vision becomes reality.

Google Hires Ray Kurzweil as Director of Engineering

Published on 2012/12/15 By admin

Beginning December 17, 2012, Google’s new Director of Engineering is Ray Kurzweil, a renowned futurist whose affinity for Google has been known for years – since Google funded Kurzweil’s Singularity University. At Google, Kurzweil will be working on new projects involving machine learning and language processing. The announcement comes one month after Kurzweil’s release of The post Google Hires Ray Kurzweil as Director of Engineering appeared first on Search Engine Journal .