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Taking Control of the Search Market with Competitive Intelligence by @Dorrrro

Published on 2014/05/16 By admin

In the real estate business, it is common to use long tail keywords in SEO and AdWords campaign optimization. But it says a lot when a real estate portal website manages to be among the top five in their search category with head keywords in less than a year. It’s not hard to invest a lot of money in AdWords, if you have deep pockets, but to manage a move like that with a balanced visibility of paid and organic is tricky in any industry

Widget Linking – How Real Estate Agents are Helping Zillow and Trulia Rank [Infographic]

Published on 2013/01/03 By admin

Ranking well in the SERPs is difficult enough to do organically, especially against brands more recognizable than your own. But what about when those larger sites in your vertical are actually getting you to do the work for them?