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Real-Time Marketing Smarts: Companies Killing It with Off-the-Cuff Content

Published on 2013/04/03 By admin

Real-time social engagement is a great way for brands to stay top of mind, build their social audience and even influence the buying decisions of consumers.

Real-Time Marketing Tips from Twitter’s Joel Lunenfeld at #SESNY

Published on 2013/03/27 By admin

“We’re moving from a world where we plan campaigns for the future, to one where we adapt campaigns to the moment.” – Joel Lunenfeld , Twitter’s VP of Global Brand Strategy and the keynote speaker this morning at SES New York. Lunenfeld shared his vast experience and insight in real-time marketing in Optimizing Second Screen Engagement: Trends, Data & Insights . Mobile has certainly changed the way people find, consume and engage with information.

2013 Oscars: The Best & Worst Dressed Social Media Marketing Moments

Published on 2013/02/26 By admin

If you are like most Americans, Sunday night was spent in front of the television watching Seth McFarland sing songs that ran much too long and make awkward jokes.  I was actually one of the few that did not watch the Oscars (I don’t have the attention span) but I did follow the buzz online.