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How UX designers and SEOs can work together

Published on 2016/08/18 By admin

There’s been an awkward separation between UX and SEO in previous years, and it’s always difficult to move past an ‘us and them’ mentality. But if your business is going to be on track for success, then both need to be working in harmony. It is the duty of SEOs to stay perpetually up to date with how Google algorithms work so be sure you listen to their opinions, even if they’re talking design issues

Five steps to report marketing results like a boss

Published on 2016/07/15 By admin

If you don’t have a boss that expects you to deliver results reports on your programs today, you will in the future . But regardless of your current organization’s sophistication with marketing analytics, there’s no reason you shouldn’t step up and report results like a boss. But what exactly does that mean

Google launches Firebase Analytics for mobile apps

Published on 2016/05/19 By admin

Google has launched Firebase Analytics, a new analytics solution for mobile apps, at this year’s I/O 2016 developer conference .  Firebase was acquired by Google in late 2014 and helps developers build apps for Androids, iOS and the Web.

How Big Brands Measure and Communicate Social Media Success

Published on 2015/03/30 By admin

L-R: Susan Beebe, Chuck Hemann, Christopher Penn and Dan Gingiss We have all struggled with what to measure to show how our social media program is performing. Additionally, how do you best communicate the results to executives, managers and other stakeholders? At the Social Media Marketing World conference, experts from Discover Financial Services, Tyson Foods and Intel Corporation reviewed tactics for showcasing their successes

The Ultimate Guide to Rankings as a Reporting Metric

Published on 2013/04/09 By admin

One aspect of SEO reporting that’s relatively difficult for SEO professionals to explain to their clients is search engine rankings. Since rankings differ depending on myriad factors, a common question every SEO professional has heard countless times is “why do I see different rankings than what you’re reporting?” However, while top rankings have long been Author information Jayson DeMers Jayson DeMers is the founder & CEO of AudienceBloom , a Seattle-based SEO agency, as well as Crackerize.com , a lyrics-humor website. You can contact him on LinkedIn , Google+ , or by email

The Keys To Success In Enterprise SEO

Published on 2012/12/24 By admin

In the world of search engine optimization, Enterprise SEO is an odd bird. Most professional SEOs cut their teeth for years in agencies or independent consulting, doing a jack-of-all-trades level of work.

5 Questions To Create A Laser-Focused Dashboard

Published on 2012/08/13 By admin

Dashboards exist to help make decisions. Unfortunately this principle is often forgotten. That is why many SEM’s moan and groan when it comes time to building dashboards. Without a specific end goal in mind, building any report becomes a frustrating mind reading game

A Guide To Creating A Massive Impact With Basic Reporting

Published on 2011/08/12 By admin

Google Analytics provides the opportunity to create sophisticated advanced segments and fancy custom reports in such a way it all perfectly fits your needs.

Use the AdWords Dashboard

Published on 2011/03/28 By admin

This post is focused around outlining some of the free tools and features that Google AdWords offers but people often don’t make full use of because they forget or don’t know they are available. In the past many AdWords campaigns were monitored from within Bid Management platforms or from within Google Analytics but the new AdWords home tab is seeking to change all that

Would you report a competitor to Google?

Published on 2011/02/24 By admin

I was recently involved with an interesting situation with (yet another) large brand falling out of the good graces with Google.