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When will responsive websites respond to user context?

Published on 2016/06/27 By admin

Terms like “ mobile first ” and “ responsive web design ” sound dynamic and user-centric, but the reality is most mobile-first responsive websites are simply reformatting ubiquitous content to suit different devices. Goal of web (or app) advertising: right message, right person, right place, right time.

A handy guide to content marketing for mobile

Published on 2016/06/13 By admin

A responsive website is not a mobile strategy. There has been a lot of re­cent articles on mobile and more and more of us are getting on-board but how can you, from a people-centric content marketing perspective, optimise your website for mobile

The convergence of SEO and UI goals for mobile users

Published on 2016/04/26 By admin

One year after Google put an algorithmic premium on mobile experience, the so-called “Mobilegeddon,” Google is at it again. New tools are coming in late spring to help webmasters make their websites work better on mobile devices. Mobilegeddon was the consequence of businesses not making their websites easier to use on smartphones and other mobile devices

What’s the difference between responsive, adaptive and mobile-friendly sites?

Published on 2016/04/26 By admin

Mobile adaptive sites and mobile responsive sights are the same, and both are synonyms for mobile-friendly… right? Not quite. Here’s a breakdown of the differences

What do you need to know about ‘responsive content marketing’?

Published on 2016/01/13 By admin

When content marries with mobile, mobile will truly excel.

Mastering Website Personalization in 4 Easy Steps by @mvolpe

Published on 2014/09/25 By admin

We used to be buried in ads. Now we’re buried in content. The problem is, when consumers are overwhelmed with information they don’t need and didn’t ask for, they are quick to migrate towards more relevant sites

Top 25 Responsive Design Sites of 2013 by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/01/05 By admin

Image Credit: Bo-Yi Wu/Flickr If you’ve worked with a web designer lately, then you should be all caught-up on ‘responsive design’. If you’ve somehow managed to neglect all the buzz surrounding the importance of responsiveness, here’s a brief introduction. Responsive web design simply makes sure that webpages can adjust to the device in use depending […] Author information Albert Costill Just a typical guy that enjoys an ice-cold beer, pizza, sports and music.

The Importance Of Responsive Web Design For B2B Sites

Published on 2013/12/23 By admin

The mobile takeover of web surfing activities is growing rapidly each year, so it’s imperative for B2B businesses to conform to the trend. Yet, a large number of B2B sites are still not doing anything for tablet or mobile device users.

The Challenge Of Getting Mobile SEO Right When Google Is Inconsistent

Published on 2013/10/03 By admin

The Getting Mobile SEO Right, Because Now Google Really Cares session at SMX East had a stellar group of presenters including Google’s Pierre Far, Resolution Media’s Bryson Meunier, Move.com’s David Roth and Local Market Launch’s Gideon Ruben. This was a fantastic panel with…

Mobile Site Configuration & The Vary HTTP Header

Published on 2013/06/14 By admin

Yesterday, Google announced more changes to the Google mobile search algorithm, which we can expect to roll out shortly.