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24 slightly depressing stats on the fall of Twitter

Published on 2016/04/05 By admin

Despite its die-hard loyal user base, Twitter has been doing nothing but rubbing its fans up the wrong way for the last 12 months. Whether its been the adoption of a dreaded algorithm, a mooted 10,000 character increase , the killing of its share counts , the pointlessness of ‘Moments’, heck even changing its ‘favourite’ button from a star to a heart was a massive thing , there’s a good chance that if you log-in to Twitter you’ll find people kicking-off about Twitter. Much of this is down to the very fact that its users, especially its long-term ones who rode the crest of its initial popularity, are so loyal to the channel and don’t want to see it mutated beyond its unique purpose: serving concise sound-bites and sharing links in real-time

Why You Should Give Some Of Your PPC Spend To A Conversion Optimizer

Published on 2013/03/06 By admin

You may find the subject of this column a bit self-serving, since I am a conversion optimizer. Well, it is

Google Panda Two Years Later: 5 Questions With HubPages CEO Paul Edmondson

Published on 2013/02/26 By admin

(Editor’s Note: This is the final article in a 3-part series looking at the aftermath of Google’s Panda algorithm update, which launched February 24, 2011. To catch up, please see the first two articles in the series: Google Panda Two Years Later: Losers Still Losing & One Real… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

How To Use Regression Analysis To Estimate Incremental Revenue Opportunities

Published on 2013/02/22 By admin

My previous article was about estimating the potential for growth for those paid search campaigns capped due to insufficient budget. This was definitely the easy part since the logic behind the assumptions involved in the calculation was fairly simple. Now, we can address those paid search…

Is a Rush to Revenue Hurting Your Marketing Innovation & Domination?

Published on 2012/06/27 By admin

Here’s a familiar scenario with many companies that have tactically approached social media marketing:  ”Let’s stop wasting time with this social media mumbo jumbo. We need to increase sales, grow revenue and sign up more customers!”.