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12 Tried and True #Sales Practices

Published on 2014/12/08 By admin

Sometimes, the classics sales tactics really do work the best The post 12 Tried and True #Sales Practices appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Creating Content That Leads to Sales: An Interview With Steve Floyd by @johnrampton

Published on 2014/11/07 By admin

A big thanks to our Pubcon 2014 sponsor, LinkResearchTools, your off-page SEO toolkit.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About SEO Costs But Focus On What It Earns

Published on 2014/03/13 By admin

You’re at Victoria Park in Ontario, preparing to swing from an 80-foot cliff and fly 200 feet across Elora Gorge before rappelling down to the river like a human spider. Your guide asks you to pick a rope. Would you ask for the cheapest rope — or the strongest?

#SXSWi 2014 Recap: Sales in Social: You Can Sell, But You Can’t Hide by @wonderwall7

Published on 2014/03/10 By admin

This session was targeted mainly for salespeople who want to use social media as part of their sales strategy. It featured Jason Suen, Director of Global Customer Success at Hearsay Social and Patrizio Spagnoletto, Head of Digital at Farmers Insurance. Spagnoletto started the discussing by stating that he believes that marketing and sales should be omni-channel, […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot. Editor Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence

How to Increase Sales and Build Brand with Google Remarketing

Published on 2013/04/13 By admin

Let’s say a potential buyer visited your site but somehow the deal bounced without a purchase or filling inquiry form. How will you induce that visitor to convert into a buyer?

How To Snag A Sale From A Simple ‘Contact Us’ Page

Published on 2013/03/20 By admin

Getting website sales isn’t all about product pages and shopping carts. Many business owners forget there is a whole conversion funnel every visitor goes through before choosing whether or not to make a purchase on your site. One of the most important aspects of that funnel is the..

#CyberMonday 2012 Breaks Sales Records

Published on 2012/11/30 By admin

Online sales over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend topped the best sales numbers to date this year.  For the holiday season-to-date, $16.4 billion has been spent online, marking a 16-percent increase over last year.

5 Tips For Avoiding a Client Horror Story

Published on 2012/03/19 By admin

This post is written by Caitlin Krumdieck, the Head of Sales at Distilled. Here she shows you how to avoid accepting work from a horror clients by taking you through Distilled’s pre-sale process.