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Bizible Adds Google AdWords ROI Reporting For Salesforce

Published on 2013/12/10 By admin

Bizible, a marketing analytics app for Salesforce.com, has launched a feature to enable Google AdWords cost data to be imported and tied to actual revenue posted in Salesforce. The AdWords ROI Dashboard enables revenue tracking against keywords, ads, ad groups and campaigns. The AdWords ROI..

Online Marketing News: Predictive Social Tools, Content Marketing & The Customer Journey

Published on 2013/04/26 By admin

Brands understand the importance of content marketing, yet most have not yet addressed their content needs on either a strategic or tactical level, according to Altimeter’s Rebecca Lieb. Researchers for the company conducted interviews with executives actively engaged in content strategy or marketing; their findings were the basis of a new report, Organizing for Content: Models to Incorporate Content Strategy and Content Marketing in the Enterprise . Lieb and report co-authors guide brand marketers through a variety of organizational models for content, with recommendations to help companies execute an effective content strategy

5 Ways Salespeople Can Use Social Media to Grow Leads

Published on 2011/07/25 By admin

One of the practical opportunities for companies that acquire and engage customers through a sales force, is through social media content and participation.  In fact, many corporate marketing departments have found their field sales reps active on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even YouTube before headquarters has

How Salesforce.com Aligns Marketing and Sales

Published on 2010/10/14 By admin

Todd Forsyth, Vice President of Global Campaigns, Salesforce.com gave an energetic presentation at the Marketo 2010 User Summit (Marketo is a TopRank Online Marketing client) on how Salesforce aligns marketing and sales.  Following is a summary of the highlights of his presentation – which includes key takeaways for B2B marketing and sales teams: Sales and marketing alignment are second nature at Salesforce.  Today, we’ll explore how as a brand, Salesforce integrates sales and marketing throughout all of our tactics and why this is also vital for your B2B brand. Thriving in a rapidly shifting media landscape The media landscape is changing faster than anyone can imagine.  How can marketers possibly keep up with this dynamic landscape?  Keep in mind, the one thing that hasn’t changed and is constant throughout is that alignment between sales and marketing as a requisite to drive business.  This is required in all landscapes.  Sales and marketing together is the secret sauce for how we go to market.  With that said, staying at the edge is essential