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Microsoft Touts Bing Smart Search In New TV Ad For Windows 8.1 Release Tomorrow

Published on 2013/10/16 By admin

Microsoft is pushing its new Bing Smart Search feature, which will hit the streets tomorrow when the company releases Windows 8.1. Bing Smart Search is a feature in the new OS that simultaneously searches the web, the cloud (Microsoft SkyDrive), your PC and — if you’re using a mobile…

Bing Snapshots Grow To Understand People, Places & Things With “Satori”

Published on 2013/03/21 By admin

Over the past year, Bing’s been steadily growing the “Snapshots” it shows on the right-hand side of its pages. Now Bing says those are taking another leap to better understand relationships between people, places and things using what it calls “Satori” technology. Bing..