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How Search Retargeting Is Bridging The Gap Between Search & Display

Published on 2013/04/03 By admin

Recently, Harvard Business School published a working paper, Do Display Ads Influence Search? Attribution and Dynamics in Online Advertising

The Most Common Misconception Of 2012: Display Looks Like Search

Published on 2012/12/19 By admin

The most common misconception over the past year has been the commonly heard statement, display looks like search. While we have all heard this a number of times (albeit it might be partially true) it’s largely based on one main factor: the rise of the auction-based marketplace in display

How To Maximize SEM Efforts With Search Retargeting

Published on 2011/07/20 By admin

Last month, we discussed how display media has evolved to be more quantitative in Why Search Marketers Are The Future Media Planners, and ironically, how the skillset held by search marketers has become more relevant to display media than the skill set held by current media planners. Using the…