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Can Bounce Exchange Reduce Site Bounce Rate? A Tool Review

Published on 2014/03/21 By admin

Like many of you, I’m always on the lookout for cool new ways to drive conversions and leads on my site.

3 Must-Dos For Landing Page Testing

Published on 2013/12/06 By admin

Great landing pages do not happen overnight or as a lucky happenstance.

What’sThe One Thing That Keeps Searchers From Converting On Your Site?

Published on 2013/06/27 By admin

There is an insidious voice speaking to your visitors from the moment they click through to your site. It camps in the back of their minds, setting up a tent and proceeding to talk your visitors out of taking action. While there are many angles this voice can work to fill visitors with doubt, there..

The Quintessential Marketer Scientist

Published on 2013/06/19 By admin

Philosopher kings. Warrior poets

Conversion Testing for Low-Traffic Websites

Published on 2013/06/12 By admin

In my almost twenty years of online marketing, I’ve rarely seen a  report showing the average worldwide visitor traffic most sites receive on a monthly basis.  Truth be told, around 95% of all websites are below 30 visitors a day. Unfortunately, this number tends to include friends and…

How To Increase Lead Conversions With Visitor Engagement

Published on 2013/05/09 By admin

When the iPhone was first released, everyone marveled over its amazing simplicity and user experience. The world fell in love, and the mobile industry was changed overnight. Other phones, if they weren’t smartphones, were suddenly viewed as cheap and not very useful

Five Ways To Flip Your Copywriting For Higher Conversion Rates

Published on 2013/05/01 By admin

When faced with creating a conversion-focused SEO landing page, what should our copy focus on? There are so many things we can do — so many directions we can go — that it becomes hard to know what to choose. Do I go with statistics or stories? Facts or feelings? Data or discounts?

How To Lose Wait On Your Website By Increasing Page Load Speeds

Published on 2013/04/24 By admin

Almost three years ago, Google announced that it had begun factoring site speed into their ranking algorithm. Since then, SEOs have debated how significant an effect page speed has on actual search engine rankings. While Google may be using it as a signal, it’s clearly not an overwhelming…

4 Principles Of Marketing As A Science

Published on 2013/04/18 By admin

What is the future of marketing? You can almost hear “Science!” as intoned by a popular 80′s song by Thomas Dolby. Across our profession, more and more people are talking about marketing science, scientific marketing, marketing as a science (in contrast to an “art”),…

How To Snag A Sale From A Simple ‘Contact Us’ Page

Published on 2013/03/20 By admin

Getting website sales isn’t all about product pages and shopping carts. Many business owners forget there is a whole conversion funnel every visitor goes through before choosing whether or not to make a purchase on your site. One of the most important aspects of that funnel is the..