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How Strong SEO Strategies Will Boost Your Lead conversion

Published on 2024/08/26 By admin

Whether you work at an agency or you’re managing a marketing budget in-house, you’ve probably had the classic debate before: do you focus on organic lead cultivation through SEO or try to generate as many leads as possible with aggressive tactics right now?  I won’t pretend to be impartial: When you have the choice, favoring SEO is almost always the better investment. This isn’t an unfounded hunch, either: in our client programs here at TopRank Marketing, organic traffic consistently converts at a higher rate than overall traffic across a range of conversion types.  Marketers tend to argue that SEO is important because it’s essential for “long term” growth

Should You Develop a Microsite for SEO? Learn Why and How

Published on 2024/08/21 By admin

If you’re searching for Nike shoes, you might go to Nike.com and browse. But what if you want to know more about Nike as a company? Say you wanted to research their sustainability commitments and practices before you buy your new kicks.

Researching Keywords for Your SEO Strategy, Step by Step

Published on 2024/08/12 By admin

Successfully ranking for the keywords you’re targeting won’t make much of an impact on your business if those keywords are not relevant to your audience and their buying journey. In fact, many companies end up wasting a lot of time and resources in this pursuit

How to Create Unique Content for Better SEO

Published on 2024/08/05 By admin

Why does unique content matter?

Which Factors Matter Most for Winning SEO Rankings?

Published on 2024/07/31 By admin

The inner workings of the Google search algorithm have long been considered one of the great mysteries in digital marketing.  Specific ranking factors, and how they are weighted, can be difficult to nail down due to the complexity, dynamism and sheer volume of attributes evaluated by search engines.

Which Factors Matter Most for Winning SEO Rankings?

Published on 2024/07/31 By admin

The inner workings of the Google search algorithm have long been considered one of the great mysteries in digital marketing.  Specific ranking factors, and how they are weighted, can be difficult to nail down due to the complexity, dynamism and sheer volume of attributes evaluated by search engines. Not to mention, Google and other companies tend to keep proprietary details close to the vest. However, based on information that has been shared publicly, as well as some eye-opening document leaks, search marketers have been able to piece together a fairly complete and up-to-date picture of SEO ranking factors

How SEO and SEM Strategies Work Together

Published on 2024/07/22 By admin

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are different forms of digital marketing that require distinct skill sets and approaches, but one is not complete without the other.  Utilized correctly, SEO and SEM complement each other, allowing a marketing team to balance short-term and long-term gains to achieve their goals more effectively than they could using only one or the other. Read on to learn how both SEO and SEM work, and why they serve as complementary cornerstones in an effective digital marketing strategy.

Make Sure to Include These 8 Elements in an SEO Content Brief

Published on 2024/07/03 By admin

When it comes to building content that helps you achieve your SEO objectives, ”good” isn’t good enough. Your content has to be tailor-made to achieve your goals. It has to target the right keywords for the right audiences, supply the best information to satisfy the intent behind the queries, and help guide your audience to where they need to go next

Competitive Intel: Here’s What an SEO Competitor Analysis Tells You

Published on 2024/06/17 By admin

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a competition. For any given keyword or topic, your content is battling thousands of others for limited (and constantly shrinking !) real estate. Here’s how small the victor’s podium is:  The top three organic search results receive more than 2/3rds of the clicks The top result receives more clicks than the 3rd-10th combined In searches with a featured snippet, the snippet has a 43% click through rate With such a narrow target to hit, it’s not enough to optimize your content, or even your site, without comparing it to the content you’re competing against.

Here’s What Healthcare Marketers Must Know in 2024

Published on 2024/06/10 By admin

To say the past few years have been volatile for the healthcare industry would be an understatement. The COVID-19 pandemic virtually transformed how medical care is administered overnight, in ways that have proven more lasting than anyone could have anticipated.  As the healthcare industry continues to undergo seismic changes, healthcare marketing trends naturally follow suit.  Between lingering impacts of COVID-19, the rise of AI, data challenges, controversial interpretations of HIPAA compliance laws, and aggressive mergers and acquisitions by major companies, healthcare marketing’s evolution in 2024 will continue apace.