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New on #MarketingNerds: How eBay’s Search Technology Helps Users Find Your Listings by @wonderwall7

Published on 2015/04/10 By admin

Visit our Marketing Nerds archive to listen to other Marketing Nerds podcasts! Dan Fain, Vice President of Search Technology at eBay Inc., joins me for today’s podcast to discuss eBay’s proprietary search technology, which they use to help both sellers and users in search results.

The Evolution of Semantic Search and Why Content is Still King

Published on 2014/08/04 By admin

Is it just me, or does it seem like yesterday we barely knew what the word ‘Google’ meant?

Ask.com and You Shall Receive: An App For That

Published on 2012/12/04 By admin

No matter what it is you’re trying to do online, there’s probably an app for it out there somewhere.

To Censor Google Search Results Through Personalization

Published on 2011/05/13 By admin

Eli Pariser gave an interesting presentation at TED named Beware online “filter bubbles”. In short he goes through how when Google and Facebook use personalization to show you results, i.e.