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Search Trends by State: Top Trending Searches in All 50 States by @egabbert

Published on 2015/04/02 By admin

Behold: The top search trends in every U.S. state from the past 12 months

Bing On The Top Search Trends For 2012: Kardashian, Bieber & Gangnam Style

Published on 2012/11/27 By admin

Oh baby, baby, baby oh… Sorry Biebs, you better believe you just got Kanye’d off the top searched celeb spot by Kim Kardashian.

Future Trends: 2012 Online Marketing & Technology Predictions

Published on 2011/12/26 By admin

What does 2012 hold in store for online marketing? The acceleration of innovation in online technologies and the ways we can discover, consume and engage with information can be a challenge to keep up with. But as digital marketers that are more than shiny object opportunists, seeing future trends is exactly what we need to do in order to anticipate our place in the digital universe.