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SEO Smackdown Round 2: Old Vs. New Search Engine Optimization

Published on 2013/02/01 By admin

Has SEO really changed? Search engine algoholics might say “Yes!” Experienced practitioners might say, “Not really.” Instead of keywords, site architecture, and link development, maybe we should understand aboutness, information scent, and validation. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

The Forgotten SEO Strategy: Targeting Striking Distance Keywords

Published on 2012/06/18 By admin

How you strategically approach your own unique search marketing landscape may be the first of many decisions you make on your search marketing journey, but it is also the most important.  A difference of inches when aiming the arrow can translate to feet downrange. SEOs can often approach selecting…

Web Searcher Behavior Quiz – Test Your SEO Knowledge

Published on 2012/03/16 By admin

Think you know the web searcher goals and behaviors that are important for long term search engine visibility? Take this quiz and find out.

How To Use Personas & Scenarios In SEO

Published on 2011/06/10 By admin

Keyword research tools are great, but they do not provide enough context for understanding searcher behaviors. Usability test scenarios can help SEO professionals better understand their target audience. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article