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Voice: the future of next-gen search – expert predictions

Published on 2016/08/04 By admin

The expansion of digital systems has resulted in the recent rise of voice search . More people today are using various digital assistants created by the major players of the technology market, such as Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa

What the evolution of search can teach marketers about digital transformation

Published on 2016/07/26 By admin

For years, search engines have proved themselves as the gateway to the web, an entry point to the content of webpages people wanted to read. However people don’t want to just read anymore, they want to publish, play, share, watch and exchange. The way they search has evolved too: they have gone from asking “what” to asking “why” and “ how to .” At Bing we have seen a three-fold growth of queries starting with “Why” compared to “What” queries, which tells us people are no longer looking for information… They are looking for answers

How mobile has changed our present and future search behaviour

Published on 2016/05/18 By admin

Well, first thing’s first. Mobile search isn’t mobile. We carry out most of our searches when we are static, on average 70%

SEO 101: eight simple ways to optimise your blog posts for search

Published on 2016/05/11 By admin

You don’t have to be an SEO expert to optimise your content in just a few steps and improve your page’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO might sound complicated for beginners, but in fact, everyone can start applying a few basic tips that will affect a post’s performance and eventually its ranking

Are search engines ‘semantic’?

Published on 2016/03/24 By admin

Let’s get to the crux of the matter. It never fails to make me smile when people misuse the term ‘semantic search’, so really… what is semantic web search? A simple definition of semantic search We often talk of semantic search as if it’s something new

12 Things You Should be Doing Right Now for Semantic Search by @searchlabs

Published on 2014/11/24 By admin

Semantic search. You’ve heard of it, you’ve researched it and you’re probably wondering what to do about it.

SEO 101: What is Semantic Search and Why Should I Care? by @sergio_redondo

Published on 2014/11/22 By admin

Search is changing. David Amerland begins with this sentence in the foreword of his book Google Semantic Search. If you are a long time user of the Internet and, more specifically, the search engines, you can see how the way we look for information has changed over the past few years.

The Evolution of Semantic Search and Why Content is Still King

Published on 2014/08/04 By admin

Is it just me, or does it seem like yesterday we barely knew what the word ‘Google’ meant?

How To Tell Search Engines What “Entities” Are On Your Web Pages

Published on 2014/03/21 By admin

Search engines have increasingly been incorporating elements of semantic search to improve some aspect of the search experience — for example, using schema.org markup to create enhanced displays in SERPs (as in Google’s rich snippets). Elements of semantic search are now present at..

How to Capitalize on Semantic Time Savings for Online Advertising by @vswfeaturelink

Published on 2014/03/07 By admin

Semantic technology is a term we have all heard, but does anyone really know what it means?