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Where Can UK Marketers Learn Paid, Earned, Owned & Integrated Marketing? SES London

Published on 2014/01/23 By admin

I’m a traveling kind of guy and in just a few weeks I’ll be traveling to a meeting of the marketing minds (aka SES London ) in the very heart of Westminster. And what will these marketing minds be focused on? The future of digital marketing of course.

Online Marketing News: Google’s Look at the Buying Journey, Brand Marketers Failing at Localization

Published on 2013/02/22 By admin

Google Analyzes Consumer Device Preferences: Insight Into Mobile Purchasing Journey Google has just released a blog post and infographic sharing insights into consumer shopping behavior over the recent 2012 shopping season. In many cases, Google said, consumers discovered a business on one device, for example on their smartphone while in a store, and would then engage further with that business on another device at a later time. It is critical that companies understand the various entry and touchpoints during their customers’ buying journey, then optimize existing and new content to fulfill needs at each point.

Creative Content Marketing in the UK – Winning Hearts, Minds & Wallets

Published on 2013/02/07 By admin

In just a few weeks, I’ll be making the pilgrimage to London where I will be speaking at the SES London conference about integrated marketing and content, two very hot topics right now. As the internet marketing industry evolves with innovations in platform technologies and consumer behaviors changing right along, marketers and brands are trying their best to keep up.

SEO Migration Plan – Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail – SES London 2012

Published on 2012/02/20 By admin

No SEO Migration Plan is much scarier than this pic of Big Ben. One of the classic scenarios for the intersection of web design/development and search engine optimization is when companies decide to update their web site’s design and content management system

Make the Most Out of Marketing Conferences: SES London 2011 Wrap-Up

Published on 2011/03/01 By admin

I’m a bit of a travel bug and my third trip to London didn’t disappoint. SES moved its venue to the center of London, literally across the street from Westminster Abbey and a short walk to Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the London Eye and many other well known landmarks. Whether a conference happens in amazing places like London or New York, there are a few things I try to do in order to maximize the value from attending including speaking of course, but also networking, connecting with media opportunities and creating content.