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Social Media Marketing World 2016: Insights, Top Blog Content & Words of Wisdom

Published on 2016/04/25 By admin

Last week, we had the privilege of participating in the annual Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego. We joined over 3,000 other marketers and marketing influencers who were looking to explore the latest trends and best practices for social media marketing. From the moment (literally) that I stepped on the plane, I had a conversation about the upcoming conference with the woman next to me.

Learn How to Create a More Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy

Published on 2016/04/25 By admin

“Who is more influential to you than the people closest that you respect and trust?” – Lee Odden In the time that I’ve been at TopRank Marketing, I’ve had the opportunity to witness first-hand how influencer marketing can be an incredibly powerful way to build credibility for a brand, and create connections with the right people. I remember that one of my first experiences with influencer marketing was an interview that I did with Avinash Kaushik (that was of course facilitated by Lee Odden).

Top 50 Social Media Marketing Influencers Speaking at #SMMW16

Published on 2016/04/18 By admin

One of the largest and most influential social media conferences, Social Media Marketing World, starts this week in San Diego. Bringing together a mix of industry experts, influencers, brands, practitioners and social media enthusiasts, #SMMW16 represents a confluence of interests about all things social media that is virtually unmatched. At the center of the conference is the program featuring big name speakers like Gary Vaynerchuck, Guy Kawasaki and Mari Smith