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Report: Social Media Examiner 2017 State of Social Media Marketing

Published on 2017/05/30 By admin

The past 12 months have been big for social media marketers. Each social platform has seen significant changes or upgrades creating opportunity, and adding complexity for many marketers. Facebook introduced live video, Twitter made it easier to fit your message in 140 characters, Snapchat added collaboration features and Pinterest added promoted video

6 of The Top B2C Brands That Are Rocking Instagram

Published on 2015/11/12 By admin

What were you doing 5 years ago? In October of 2010, the mobile app Instagram launched onto the scene, and the mobile marketing world hasn’t been the same since.

Social Media Marketing for Business: Expectation Vs. Reality

Published on 2015/07/08 By admin

When a fast food chain releases a new menu item, there is typically a lot of hype and promotion around the product. These efforts can lead to certain expectations of what consumers can expect when purchasing the item. Sometimes reality meets the expectation, but more often than not, it doesn’t.

How to Be Creative AND Brand Compliant in Social Marketing

Published on 2015/01/15 By admin

Ask social media managers about “brand standards” and you might elicit some uncomfortable expressions. Brand standards, created to ensure uniformity with brand messaging and imagery, can sometimes feel like restrictions for creative social development.

Creating a Culture for Making Business Social – 5 Tips from Dell’s Connie Bensen

Published on 2014/07/02 By admin

In an age of marketing and business that is increasingly social, many businesses and thought leaders stress the importance of creating a culture that embraces social media inside and out. A social media savvy business encourages collaboration across teams, surfaces expertise from subject matter experts and can scale brand and community engagement by drawing upon the collective wisdom of employees and customers. Few have been as passionate and successful at going beyond social business theory into action as  Connie Bensen , leader of Global Social Content Strategy and Governance at Dell ( Dell is a TopRank client )

Is Your Social Media Content Quality-Controlled? by @coreypadveen

Published on 2014/03/31 By admin

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? To put it another way, if you post something on social media and (you think) no one is around to read it, does it still make an impact? A former PR executive in New York, the well-known […] Author information Corey Padveen Director of Global Social Business Strategy at t2 Marketing International Corey Padveen is Google AdWords Certified, Google Analytics Certified, a Certified Inbound Marketer and the Director of Global Social Business Strategy at t2 Marketing International

INFOGRAPHIC: The State of Social Business by @wonderwall7

Published on 2013/12/26 By admin

According to this new infographic from Brian Solis, the state of social business is a relatively positive one. Some of the key statistics include: 78% of companies have a dedicated social media team, an increase of 11% since last year

Social Visualization of Brand & Culture: IBM Voices Does the Talking

Published on 2013/03/12 By admin

About today’s guest post: As companies mature their online presence though more robust social engagement, individuals within those companies are advancing use of social technologies to communicate and collaborate publicly.

Free Visual eBook: 20 Ways to Rock The Social Web

Published on 2012/11/27 By admin

The music business is tough. Everyone wants to be a star but only some put in the time, effort and bring the talent to really make a difference and become successful.

Connecting Marketing & IT: 5 Tips for Creating a Shared Marketing Agenda with Your CIO

Published on 2012/11/01 By admin

On occasion we connect with smart people and ideas we think are worth sharing as a guest post here at Online Marketing Blog . Today, I’d like to introduce you to  Heidi Ambler , Director of Social Business at IBM