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Study Reports Facebook Generates 30x More E-Commerce Customers Than Twitter by @wonderwall7

Published on 2013/10/28 By admin

According to new research from Curebit and reported on by VentureBeat, the difference in social commerce sales between Facebook and Twitter are extraordinary.

Social Media Marketing: Strategy to Commerce

Published on 2011/01/26 By admin

For companies trying to make sense of social media and online marketing, it’s important to take a step back from all the “TwitFaceBlogTubeIn” mania for a second and look at the nature of how these things are going to work for the overall business. There are many questions that need answers:  ”Should we develop a strategy first before engaging?”,  ”Should we experiment and develop a strategy as we go?”, “Will it ever be OK to ask customers if they want to buy directly within social channels or will we always have to tiptoe around the subject?” Here are a few considerations to help answer those questions and establish the framework for a sustainable and successful social media marketing program.

Which Flavor of Social Commerce is Right for You?

Published on 2010/11/29 By admin

Photo credit: timtak via Flickr Social Commerce is a very hot topic right now with numerous blog posts , articles and even a few events focused on ecommerce and social media.