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How B2B Marketing Influencers Are Finding Success On New Social Channels

Published on 2021/03/23 By admin

In the world of social media, the only constant is change.

Generation Y Influence Peaking According to Edelman Study

Published on 2012/12/04 By admin

The results of a study conducted by Edelman, the world’s largest public relations firm, were released today revealing the roles of major brands in the lives of Generation Y.

B2B Marketing Innovation: Tips On Creating Social Influence in B2B Marketing from Alan Belniak of PTC

Published on 2012/09/24 By admin

Finding a way to influence your prospects, customers, and company advocates is an essential part of doing business in today’s digital world.  Finding different methods of creating influence is essential with complex purchasing processes often present with B2B marketing. Fortunately, we have the insight of savvy B2B marketers who are out in the field, developing, testing and implementing best practices that are willing to share with our readers here at Online Marketing Blog .

Create a Stronger ROI: Return on Influence – Mark Schaefer #BWENY

Published on 2012/06/07 By admin

ROI, it’s a term we’ve all heard.  Typically this acronym stands for Return On Investment, but in this case we’re referring to Return On Influence.  Mark Schaefer ( @markwschaefer ) presented at BlogWolrd (on his birthday) on some of the key concepts in his new book Return on Influence: The New Rules of Creating and Leveraging Power on the Social Web . At the very beginning of his presentation Mark made an interesting observation.  In the past a speakers audience was a group of people who passively sat in the auditorium and listened to what the speaker was saying. Mark Schaefer shares “Now, I am talking to an audience of audiences.”  What does that mean?  Not only are the bloggers in the room soaking up with is being shared but they are also sharing this information with their audience, in real time.  What did this session teach me about Klout, content, and creating more influence online?